About June Campbell

I launched my writing business in 1996. Since then, my writing has been published multiple times in print magazines, newspapers, web sites and blogs. I also write business proposals, copy and marketing materials for  businesses.

 I live in glorious, Vancouver, in British Columbia, Canada. Can you guess why they call it “Raincouver?”

My special interests include kayaking, golf, pilates, fitness and nutrition, scrapbooking and paper crafts, reading, movies and theatre. I am a practitioner of the Silva Method and EFT. I believe in the Law of Attraction — and no, before you ask, the LOA doesn’t suggest you can sit on your duff and attract great wealth. The only people who believe we think that are the ones who haven’t done their research.

 Now put the Law of Attraction to work by getting busy and discovering how to make a resume that attracts the interviews and ultimately the job offer that you want.

 Oh, and if you want to contact me, you can find my complete contact information on my corporate web site, Nightcats Multimedia Productions.

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